Sports Injury Services

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Athletic Training Services

Subject to availability, Hospital will provide to School a Certified Athletic Trainer for the following Services:

1. Help prevent injuries through pre-practice taping and identification of hazards on the playing field;

2. Administer immediate first aid to student athletes at the time of injury during game coverage for Varsity home football games, plus two additional home athletic event each week and daily attendance at athletic practice sessions as coordinated between the Athletic Trainer and School; and

3. Maintain an inventory of athletic training supplies and equipment and coordinate with the School's Athletic Director as needed to order additional supplies.

The Certified Athletic Trainer will provide the above-listed Services according to a schedule mutually agreed to by the parties, School may request additional services (game or practice coverage or other).

These requests will be evaluated by Hospital on a case-by-case basis according to the availability of trainers.

All Services will be provided in accordance with applicable regulations of the National Athletic Trainers Association and within the scope of the Certified Athletic Trainer's license.


Physician Services

Subject to Physician's availability, Hospital will provide to School a Physician for the following Services:

1. Evaluation of sports-induced injuries at scheduled on-site visits at School. Physicians will make appropriate referrals to other physicians or providers for x-rays, diagnostic tests, and other follow-up services based on the medical needs of the student athlete.

2. The provision of advice to coaches, parents, or legal guardians concerning prevention and physical reconditioning of injuries.




I hereby authorize licensed sports injurJ staff acting on behalf of School to evaluate and treat any injcry that occurs as a result of my participation in athletics at School. This includes all reasonable and necessary preventive care, treatment and rehabilitation for these injuries.


Sports Injury Services Agreement


I hereby authorize Columbus Community Hospital (the "Hospital") to disclose to School District athletic coaches and/or other School District officials my child's protected health information created or obtained by the Hospital in the course of conducting sports injury services. This disclosure is made at my request.

The Hospital may disclose any and all information which it has created or obtained regarding my care through the athletic training services.

I understand and acknowledge that:

1. I can revoke this Authorization at any time by giving my written revocation to the Hospital at the following address: Columbus Community Hospital, 4600 38th Street, Columbus, Nebraska 68602. My revocation is not effective as to disclosures already made and actions already taken in reliance upon this Authorization.

2. The Hospital may NOT condition treatment, enrollment, or eligibility for benefits on whether I sign this Authorization.

3. I am authorizing disclosure of information protected under federal law. This information, once disclosed, may be subject to re-disclosure by the recipient an no longer be protected by state or federal law.

4. This Authorization is effective for five (5) years from the date on which it is signed.

A photocopy or exact reproduction of this signed Authorization shall have the same force and effect as the original.

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